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CRM system for managing remote work …

Remote work has become the new norm. Nowadays, more and more companies start implementing remote work strategies and moving their businesses online. While some employees perceive working at home as a royal blessing or manna from heaven, for others it remains a really daunting challenge to keep organized and productive. No matter what “cohort” you identify yourself with, here are a few pointers on how to organize remote working, accelerate sales performance and turn your CRM into a unified workspace that provides the best digital experience.

Organize a centralized workspace

Except for the obvious must-haves for remote work (computer, the internet connection and headphones), your team will definitely need a tool that will help you to organize a collaborative environment and track the progress of your sales or projects. In such a case, EspoCRM can become your lifeline in the stormy business sea. The software allows you to create a unified customer base, organize task management, monitor the performance of your team and provide exceptional customer service. As remote working also presupposes zero physical contact between various departments, a properly configured security roles in the CRM will ensure effective exchange of information within your company and access control to customer data.

Workspace in CRM

Facilitate effective communication

One of the greatest benefits of working at home is the absence of distracting over-communication with colleagues and office gossips. However, it becomes more difficult to build a collaborative working environment and keep employees motivated. CRM software can aid in facilitating effective communication greatly. Your teams can use activity stream to discuss and provide feedback concerning an important deal or a new case. With the help of shared calendars, the managers are able to track the progress of each team member and their availability that’s why the organization of your daily meetings is no longer a shot in the dark.

Communication in CRM

Keep growing your business

Of course, if the company staff has only started working remotely, it becomes a challenge to keep improving sales performance. The CRM platform provides you with a detailed sales and marketing analytics. These powerful insights can be used to track your sales progress, create effective marketing campaigns and forecast future revenue. Moreover, seeing the dashlets with real information will motivate your team to work better and gain better results.

Revenue Charts in CRM

Ensure consistent customer experience

Even if you’re moving your business online, it shouldn’t affect the quality of your customer service. CRM software offers at least 3 ways to provide the best customer service and support. Firstly, integrate your email and CRM to keep the history of all communications with customers in one place. Secondly, automate email-to-case creation and save time for your support team. Thirdly, set up a customer portal to make it easier for a client to receive help if needed or find necessary information about your product/service.

All in all, working remotely provides people with the freedom to choose the most comfortable place for work, saves time for commuting and allows creating the atmosphere when a person is fully concentrated on the task. In such circumstances, CRM software will not only keep your employees productive and motivated, but also aid in maintaining a consistent workspace and paving the way to your future success.