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EspoCRM 4.6.0 released


  • Last Viewed – ability to see last viewed records;
  • Action History feature for administrators;
  • Link field filters: ‘Is Not’, ‘Is Not One Of’;
  • Link Multiple field filters: ‘Is Empty’, ‘Is Not Empty’, ‘None Of’;
  • Formula: Number\round function;
  • Ability to specify custom layout for out-of-the-box record list dashlets;
  • Record List dashlet;
  • Auth Token: Ability to view inactive (logged out) auth tokens;
  • Dynamic Logic: Supporting Multi-Enum and Array fields;
  • Marking mandatory fields on edit;
  • Email: ‘Add to Contact’, ‘Add to Lead’, ‘Create Lead’ actions for unknown email addresses.

All issues: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/milestone/13?closed=1

Download: https://www.espocrm.com/download/
Upgrades: https://www.espocrm.com/download/upgrades/