v8.1 is available. We made plenty of improvements in the existing functionalities, added PHP 8.3 support. We also changed the license from GPLv3 to AGPLv3. See the full release notes with links to GitHub issues below.
International phone numbers
An optional feature. If enabled, all phone number values will be stored in the international format (e.g. +111111111111).
- picking country code (in edit mode);
- formatting (in read mode);
- validation (backend and frontend);
- import & lead capture: ability to specify a regional telephone code, values will be converted to international;
- ability to define preferred country codes (to avoid entering a country code when operating in a specific region).

Ability to hide/show columns on the list view
The ability to hide/show specific columns on the main list view. Some fields can be set as hidden by default in the layout manager, and then can be shown by a user. The ability to reset to default.

Dynamic Logic: Conditions checking current user & current user teams
The ability to check with Dynamic Logic:
- current user (equals or not equals to a specific one);
- current user teams (contains or not contains a specific team).
Release Notes
- Drop PHP 8.0 support
- PHP 8.3 support
- Update Monolog to v3 #2908
- AGPL license #2931
- Discard TCPDF engine #2910
- Forbidding link & unlink API operations for Has-One, Belongs-To & Belongs-To-Parent links #2882
- Checking access to a foreign record when relating through Link, Link-Parent and Link-One fields #2938
- International phone numbers #2896
- Ability to hide/show columns on the list view #2891
- Dynamic Logic: Conditions checking current user & current user teams #2912
- Mass email: Parameter to limit max number of emails sent per batch #2930
- Read-only-After-Create field parameter #2843
- Link, Link-Multiple fields: Autocomplete on empty input #2903
- Link, Link-multiple fields: Create button #2894
- Phone field: Config parameter forcing numeric search #2895
- ORM: Ability to reference aliases #2844
- Row Actions framework #2886
- Handler method checking availability for main view menu items #2888
- Custom navbar items #2889
- Custom email template placeholders #2875
- PDF: Markdown text helper #2925
All issues: https://github.com/espocrm/espocrm/milestone/175?closed=1