Twilio Integration is available as part of VoIP Integration extension. It allows to integrate EspoCRM with Twilio service, 3CX PBX, Asterisk server, Starface server, Squaretalk service, Binotel service and iexPBX server.
The key features
- Click-to-call feature.
- Displaying incoming calls.
- Displaying outgoing calls.
- Fast access to the caller history.
- Easily adding a comment to the call.
- Saving call information in EspoCRM.
- Recording phone calls.
- Listening recorded calls.
- Sending and receiving SMS/MMS.
Please read more details about the features.
In order to try the Twilio Integration, please register a Free Trial of EspoCRM with the VoIP Integration extension.
For more information about configuring the Twilio Integration see documentation.