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Adding custom service action for Workflow

Workflow allows to create custom service actions. This example will show how this can be done for a Call entity.

Step 1. Create Service class

Create a file “custom/Espo/Custom/Services/TestService.php” if it doesn’t exist and add a method:


namespace Espo\Custom\Services;

use \Espo\ORM\Entity;

class TestService extends \Espo\Core\Services\Base
    public function testServiceAction($workflowId, Entity $entity, $additionalParameters = null)
        //your code here

Step 2. Define the run service method in metadata

Create/edit the file “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/entityDefs/Workflow.json”

    "serviceActions": {
            "testServiceAction": {
                "serviceName": "TestService",
                "methodName": "testServiceAction"

Step 3. Add a label

To add a label of the run service method, please add/edit the file “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Workflow.json”

    "serviceActions": {
        "testServiceAction": "Label for TestServiceAction"

Or if you have the same method name in several entities, you can add such translations:

    "serviceActions": {
        "CallTestServiceAction": "Label for Call TestServiceAction",
        "TaskTestServiceAction": "Label for Task TestServiceAction"

Step 4. Add usage tips (optional)

To add usage tips for your service method, add/edit the file “custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/i18n/en_US/Workflow.json”

    "serviceActionsHelp": {
        "testServiceAction": "This is a description of testServiceAction action"

Or if you have the same method name in several entities, you can add such translations:

    "serviceActionsHelp": {
        "CallTestServiceAction": "This is a description of TestServiceAction for Call entity",
        "TaskTestServiceAction": "This is a description of TestServiceAction for Task entity"

Step 5. Enable

To enable it, go to Administration panel > Clear Cache. Now, the service action is available under workflow action.