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Dynamic Forms

Note: Since version 4.3.0 it's possible to define dynamic form through admin's UI in Entity Manager.

There is an ability to define a form behavior in EspoCRM.


Need to show nextStep field on an Opportunity detail view only if stage is 'Closed Won'.

Create file custom/Espo/Custom/Resources/metadata/clientDefs/Opportunity.json.

  "formDependency": {
    "stage": {
      "map": {
        "Closed Won" : [
            "action": "show",
            "fields": ["nextStep"]
      "default": [
             "action": "hide", 
             "fields": ["nextStep"] 

That means that nextStep field will be hidden by default and shown if stage equals to 'Closed Won'.

The list of available actions: show, hide, setRequired, setNotRequired.

There is also ability to hide/show panels. Specify panel names in panels, attribute the same way as fields.